How to Maintain Your Mommy Makeover Results

Our forecast for this summer includes beautiful weather and a gorgeous body for you. With a mommy makeover you’ll enjoy sexier curves, a flatter tummy, perkier breasts, and more. By combining some of our favorite cosmetic procedures we can shape, sculpt, and restore the body after pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childbirth. These results won’t just last for a summer or two. With the right maintenance, your results can last a lifetime. Call today and learn more about our mommy makeover.

What Results Can I Expect from a Mommy Makeover?

Do you have the post-baby body blues? Many women are disappointed by their appearance after pregnancy. It can seem like everything is drooping, sagging, and deflated. Going to the gym and eating right often don’t produce the desired results. It may feel like your body will never return to its pre-baby shape.

A mommy makeover can help. Through plastic surgery we can correct, reverse, and improve many common body complaints after pregnancy. Here’s what you can expect after treatment:

  • Tighter, flatter tummy and abdomen
  • Perkier, lifted breasts
  • Changes to breast size, larger or smaller
  • Fewer unwanted bulges and fat pockets
  • Rejuvenated vagina and labia

The results you’ll see will vary, depending on the procedures that you receive and your goals for surgery. We’ll work with you to find the right combination of treatments for your situation. Common treatments included in a mommy makeover are tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, liposuction, and labiaplasty.

For the Best Mommy Makeover Results, Choose the Right Surgeon

Get mommy makeover results that you’ll want to maintain by choosing your surgeon carefully. Here are some important qualifications to look for in your chosen surgeon:

  • Board Certified– Any doctor can perform surgery, but for the best plastic surgery results, we recommend choosing a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Epstein or Dr. Krochmal. Board certification in plastic surgery requires a surgeon to demonstrate their superior training, skill, and education in the field of plastic surgery.
  • Regularly Performs Your Desired Procedures– Plastic surgery is a vast and varied field. Each surgeon develops specialties, procedures they perform most often and are most comfortable with. At MAE Plastic Surgery, our surgeons’ skills complement each other, ensuring that you’ll work with a surgeon that has the necessary skill for your chosen procedures. Furthermore, we are known for our stunning mommy makeover results.
  • Willing to Answer Questions– To get the best results from your mommy makeover, you’ll need to communicate openly with your surgeon. Look for a surgeon that welcomes questions and that takes the time to talk with each patient about their needs, wants, and desires from surgery.

If you’re in the Chicago area, come to MAE Plastic Surgery for your mommy makeover. Elsewhere, look for a surgeon with these important characteristics.

Start Your New Body Off Right- The Importance of Recovery After a Mommy Makeover

You’ll return home shortly after surgery to begin the recovery process. Recovery isn’t always easy, but it is very important. Follow your recovery instructions carefully. Doing too much, too soon can lead to complications after surgery. These complications can negatively impact your results. Give yourself proper time to heal.

You don’t have to recover alone. Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns throughout the recovery process. Your surgeon builds the foundation for your results, but your recovery is essential for ensuring that you heal properly so your results can shine. We want you to have the information and support you need to recover properly.

Maintain Your Mommy Makeover Results- What Can You Do?

Love your new look for years to come. These simple tips will help you maintain your mommy makeover results.

  • No More Pregnancies- A mommy makeover is best performed after you’ve brought all your little bundles of joy into the world. After you’ve tightened your tummy with a mommy makeover, a pregnancy can loosen things up again. Wait until you’re no longer planning future pregnancies to schedule your procedures for the best results.
  • Maintain a Stable Weight– Yo-yo diets are bad for your health and bad for your mommy makeover results. Try to avoid large increases or decreases in weight.
  • Eat Right and Exercise Often– An active, healthy lifestyle will help you to maintain your weight and strengthen your body after a mommy makeover. We recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Don’t forget to exercise. Hit the gym, take a hike, or go for a swim. Your favorite activities will help keep you strong.

Maintaining your results isn’t hard, but it does require a little daily effort. Small, sustained actions are better than big, occasional efforts.

Are you ready for your mommy makeover? Call MAE Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Epstein or Dr. Krochmal. Get your body back after your baby!