Do I Need BOTOX® or Dermal Fillers?

If you’ve considered aesthetic treatments to counter the impact of facial aging, you’ve probably thought about getting BOTOX® or dermal filler injections as a possible answer. But what is the difference between them, and which is better for you? Unlike anti-wrinkle creams, moisturizers, and other beauty products, injectable neuromodulators and fillers directly impact underlying tissue… Read More

Can BOTOX® Affect Your Mental Health?

Aesthetic surgery and cosmetic procedures can and do change lives. We love seeing our patients undergo mental and emotional transformations at the same time as their physical appearance changes. We know cosmetic treatments can boost mental health. Recent studies provide confirmation to the anecdotal evidence we see here at MAE Plastic Surgery. Researchers compiled data… Read More

Alternative Uses for BOTOX® that Aren’t Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkle eraser, anti-aging serum, and beauty enhancer. These are all terms commonly associated with BOTOX®; one of the most well-known cosmetic injectable available on the market today. Among the 15.7 million cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures performed in the US in 2017, BOTOX® ranked number one with more than 7.3 million procedures performed; seeing no signs of… Read More

Not All Lines are Created Equal: Dynamic and Static Wrinkles

Though wrinkles are universally frustrating, they’re not all alike: Wrinkles are divided into two distinct categories—static and dynamic—based on how they form. Dynamic wrinkles only become visible when we laugh, smile, or frown, whereas static wrinkles are always present. Dynamic wrinkles usually show up earlier in life; most people start to notice these telltale creases… Read More