Get Rid of Turkey Neck with Kybella®

Although Thanksgiving is long gone, you may still have a pesky turkey neck hanging around. If the turkey neck didn’t stay on the dinner table, ask about Kybella®. This non-surgical treatment can eliminate fat under the chin without surgery and with minimal downtime.

What Is Kybella®?

Do you have a double chin? Even if you’re at a healthy weight, fat can develop under the chin. This stubborn fat is very difficult to lose and can contribute to the appearance of a turkey neck, wobbly fat and skin under the chin. Kybella® is an injectable treatment that eliminates this unwanted fat. It contains deoxycholic acid, a natural substance that aids the body in the breakdown of dietary fat. Once injected, it destroys fat cells, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. With just a few treatments you can improve your profile and fade that double chin.

What Can I Expect During and After a Kybella® Treatment?

Kybella® treatments are performed in our offices by a skilled injector. Most patients require between 12-20 injections per treatment and 2-3 treatments total. The treatment will take about 15 minutes. Treatments are spaced about a month apart.

After Kybella® you may experience bruising, pain, swelling, numbness, and firmness in the treatment area. These effects typically resolve within 72 hours. You can return to your regular activities as soon as you’re comfortable. Many patients require no downtime at all. Kybella® is non-surgical and requires no incisions.

How Long Until I See Results?

You’ll begin to see Kybella® results about 4-6 weeks after treatment. Kybella® destroys the treated fat cells, ensuring that they can no longer accumulate fat. Results should be long lasting and many patients won’t ever require retreatment after completing the original treatment series.

Is Kybella® Right for Me?

Ditch that double chin once and for all with Kybella®! This powerful treatment can help you to improve your profile and eliminate unwanted fat under the chin. If you’re thinking about Kybella®, give us a call. We’ll help you determine if you’re a good candidate for treatment during your consultation. Call today!