Showing: 25–30 of 345

What to Know Before Your Facelift

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed in the U.S. It provides facial rejuvenation to improve the signs of facial aging and loose skin on the lower and mid face. While facelifts techniques and results have improved substantially since the procedure was first performed over a hundred years ago, you will… Read More

Will a Lip Lift Help Show Upper Teeth When I Smile?

Many of our patients desire full and sensuous lips. No, we’re not talking about the Instagram trend of overdone “duck lips” or a “trout pout.” Natural-looking lip enhancement is possible and can help you achieve a fuller, more voluptuous lip appearance. As one of the top facial plastic surgeons in Chicago, Dr. Michael Epstein has… Read More

Get Your Skin Holiday-Ready With These Top 5 Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Another summer has passed, and the fall breeze and autumn leaves remind you that the holidays are fast approaching. You’ve started thinking about this year’s holiday plans, including family get-togethers, photo-ops, and those seasonal menus. It may also be time to start thinking about enjoying aesthetic or cosmetic procedures to achieve your best possible rejuvenated… Read More

What Aftercare Is Necessary for Breast Implant Surgery

For many women, recovery is the most daunting part of breast augmentation surgery. The good news is, with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to be, provided you follow the post-operative care recommended by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Epstein at MAE Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL. Successful breast augmentation depends on the surgery itself… Read More

Lessen the Signs of Aging with a Brow Lift to Smooth Skin

Do you look angry, tired, or stressed, even when you’re well-rested and happy? The eyebrows play an essential role in communicating emotion, and when they begin to sag or wrinkles develop on the forehead, these signs of aging can make you appear older and interfere with your emotional communications. A brow lift at MAE Plastic… Read More

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