Showing: 217–222 of 343

Functional Rhinoplasty: Nasal Polyp Removal

Do you have allergies or asthma? You may have nasal polyps. Come into MAE Plastic Surgery for an in-depth examination and consultation. Removing your nasal polyps could help you to breathe easier and feel better. What Are Nasal Polyps? Nasal polyps are small, non-cancerous growths that often develop around the sinuses. The polyps are teardrop… Read More

Common Medical Conditions That Can Be Improved with a Rhinoplasty

When you hear the word “rhinoplasty” you probably think of cosmetic rhinoplasty, a type of nasal surgery that changes the nose’s appearance. Although many rhinoplasties are cosmetic, aesthetic changes aren’t the only reason to consider this procedure. Rhinoplasty is an excellent treatment option for many medical conditions. It can help you look your best, breathe… Read More

Scared of Scars? 5 Expert Tips for Recovering Post Rhinoplasty

One of the biggest concerns patients share when preparing for rhinoplasty is the fear of scarring. They worry about large visible scars on the nose after an open rhinoplasty. Schedule a consultation and we will happily discuss your options for surgery, including the likelihood of visible scarring. Much of the time, scarring is minimal and… Read More

Functional Rhinoplasty: What Is Nasal Septoplasty?

The age old advice to “take a deep breath” carries more truth than you might realize. How you feel is largely determined by how you breathe. Headaches, sinus infections, an inability to smell, nasal congestion, and nosebleeds are all signs of a common internal nasal deformity: a deviated septum. Breathe easier with nasal septoplasty, a… Read More

Functional Rhinoplasty: What Is Turbinate Reduction?

As you breathe through your nose, small structures known as turbinates help to clean and humidify the air. Turbinates are essential for proper nasal breathing. Unfortunately, in some patients these turbinates are enlarged and interfere with proper airflow. Turbinate reduction, a type of functional rhinoplasty, can reduce the size of the turbinates and improve breathing…. Read More

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