Will You Look Years Younger With Neck Lift Surgery?

Over time, your face and neck receive equal exposure to the sun and elements that cause aging, but the face often gets more attention. Facelifts and brow lifts refresh your facial appearance, while your neck quietly continues to age.

Does your neck look older than your face? Are wrinkles and sagging below the chin revealing your secrets?

It’s time to give your neck the attention it deserves. A neck lift with Dr. Epstein can take years off your appearance while bringing the appearance of the neck into balance with your face. Aging happens on the neck, too. Don’t neglect to rejuvenate this delicate area.

How a Neck Lift Helps Patients Look Younger

A neck lift is a procedure to tighten neck muscles and smooth the skin on the neck and lower face. This procedure typically targets areas like the jawline, jowls, chin, and neck, depending on your unique needs.

While results can vary, a neck lift helps many patients look years younger by addressing several signs of aging, including:

  • Loose skin on the neck, also known as a “turkey neck”
  • Excess skin or fat under the chin
  • Muscle banding on the neck
  • Lines and wrinkles on the neck

You can pair a neck lift with other procedures for facial rejuvenation, including a facelift, eyelid surgery, or a brow lift.

How Long Does a Neck Lift Last?

Results from a neck lift are long-lasting. Most patients will enjoy a permanent improvement in their neck contours.

For results that last even longer, take good care of your skin. Protecting your skin from the sun is one of the best ways to prevent premature aging and sun damage.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Options for Neck Rejuvenation?

Few treatments compare with a surgical neck lift’s effectiveness and longevity. If you’re looking for a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to aging in the neck area, a neck lift is probably your best option.

However, surgery isn’t always the right fit. Some patients need to minimize downtime or want to avoid surgery. Non-surgical options are available for neck rejuvenation. Ask Dr. Epstein if one of these less invasive options is right for you.

  • Kybella®: Kybella® is a non-surgical solution for a double chin. This injectable treatment dissolves fat under the chin to enhance and revitalize the profile.
  • BOTOX®: BOTOX® injections can often resolve muscle banding in the neck. BOTOX® helps relax muscles for a more youthful appearance.
  • Laser rejuvenation: Laser treatments improve skin’s appearance by building collagen, treating sun damage, and smoothing wrinkles. Laser treatments are safe enough for the skin on your neck, chest, and face.

Contact MAE Plastic Surgery to Learn More About Neck Lift Surgery in Chicago

Is your neck in need of rejuvenation? Contact MAE Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and explore neck lift surgery with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Epstein. Call MAE Plastic Surgery at (847) 205-1680 to get started.