Start Kybella® Now and Get Rid of Your Turkey Neck by Turkey Time

Fall is in the air and turkey time is fast approaching. This Thanksgiving, we want you to enjoy the turkey and pumpkin pie, not worry about your turkey neck. Come in for Kybella® now and you can get rid of excess fat under your chin without surgery. Kybella® is the only non-surgical, injectable treatment for submental fullness, also known as a double chin. Hurry in! Results take time to appear so you need to start treatment soon if you want a new look by Thanksgiving.

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment for excess fat under the chin. It uses injectable deoxycholic acid, an acid naturally found in the body, to break down fat. The destroyed fat cells are naturally eliminated by the body. Most patients will need 2-3 treatments, spaced about a month apart, to achieve optimal results. Some patients will need up to six treatments.

What Happens During a Kybella® Treatment?

Kybella® treatment starts with a consultation where we determine if Kybella® meets your needs and is a safe option for you. During the treatment, you’ll receive 12-20 injections with a tiny needle under the chin. The injections take about 15 minutes. After Kybella®, you can resume regular activities as soon as you’re ready, often the very next day. There is minimal to no downtime for most patients.

What Are the Side Effects After Kybella® Treatment?

Kybella® is non-surgical and minimally invasive. Most patients recover quickly and only experience side effects for up to 72 hours. You may experience bruising, discomfort, swelling, numbness, and firmness around the injection sites. Since Kybella® is minimally invasive, downtime is typically much shorter than experience with liposuction, the surgical alternative for treating a double chin.

How Long Do Kybella® Results Last?

Fat cells don’t regenerate in adults. Once treated with Kybella®, you should enjoy results for several years. Maintaining a stable weight will help your results to last.

Come in for Kybella® now and be thankful for your new look come Thanksgiving. You still have time to enjoy results before the busy holiday season. Call us today and schedule your Kybella® treatment at MAE Plastic Surgery.