Nostrils Uneven After Rhinoplasty? What to Do

Symmetry is synonymous with facial beauty. Ideally, the face is balanced and even, nearly identical on both sides. The beauty of symmetry extends to each facial feature, too. A nose that is proportional, perfectly matched on both sides, is essential for facial harmony. 

Unfortunately, some patients find their nostrils are asymmetrical after rhinoplasty. Nasal surgery is notoriously challenging, and when an inexperienced surgeon performs the procedure, results may not turn out as desired. 

If you have uneven nostrils after rhinoplasty, how can you restore facial harmony and balance?

Revision Rhinoplasty: A Do-Over for Your Rhinoplasty Results

When rhinoplasty doesn’t go as intended, the correction is a procedure called revision rhinoplasty. It is a highly specialized nasal surgery performed on post-rhinoplasty noses. 

Revision rhinoplasty is much like a regular rhinoplasty but uses advanced techniques to address changes to the nose from previous surgeries. Scar tissue can be difficult to work with, and structural changes to the nose may have compromised the underlying nasal structure. Revision rhinoplasty works with these changes to restore function and beauty to the nose after nasal surgery.  

For uneven nostrils, the procedure often looks like this:

  • Create an incision along the base of the nostril, where the nostril meets the face. This hidden scar will typically be unnoticeable after healing.
  • Remove a wedge of nostril tissue. For asymmetry, we may remove more tissue from one side of the nose than the other. 

After meeting you in person and talking about your concerns, we’ll create a customized surgical plan to address your nostril asymmetry – including whether you wish to pair your nostril correction with other nasal refinements, including resizing and reshaping the nose. 


How Long Do I Need to Wait Before Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is most effective after the nose has fully healed post-surgery. We ask our patients to wait at least a year before scheduling a revision rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Epstein. Waiting gives the bone, cartilage, and skin in the nose time to heal and helps minimize complications after surgery. 

Tips for Choosing a Skilled Revision Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Revision rhinoplasty adds a higher degree of difficulty than first-time nasal surgery. Choosing a skilled plastic surgeon is essential for stunning results. Look for these qualifications when choosing a doctor for your revision surgery.

  • Board certification: Board certification is an honor awarded to top doctors in their field. To receive this designation, doctors must demonstrate their knowledge and training in a specific medical specialty (like plastic surgery). Board-certified doctors are generally some of the best-qualified and most knowledgeable providers. For nasal surgery, look for a doctor with board certification in plastic surgery or otolaryngology. 
  • Extensive rhinoplasty experience: Choose a doctor who performs this procedure often, preferably on patients with a similar nasal structure to your own. 
  • Member of the Rhinoplasty Society: The Rhinoplasty Society is an exclusive group of the world’s top rhinoplasty surgeons. Each surgeon in the society has undergone an extensive vetting process, establishing themselves as a leader and innovator in rhinoplasty. Dr. Epstein is an active member of this prestigious group. 
  • Regularly performs revision surgery: Choose a surgeon who regularly performs revision procedures and who knows how to work with scar tissue, compromised nasal structure, and nasal asymmetry. 

Do you need a rhinoplasty re-do? Call MAE Plastic Surgery at (847) 205-1680 to schedule a nostril revision consultation with Dr. Michael Epstein in Chicago, IL.