Does Chin Augmentation Help with Jowls?

Almost everyone will develop jowls at some point in the aging process. Loss of skin elasticity and shifting fat create sagging along the jawline. Jowls are more prominent in some patients due to genetics, fat levels, and environmental factors.

If you have jowls, we can treat them. There are many options available including chin implants. Ask Dr. Epstein about your options for tightening up the jawline and smoothing the skin underneath your chin.

How Chin Implants Can Improve the Appearance of Jowls

Chin augmentation can improve the appearance of jowls. If you’re hoping to address jowls with an implant, ask for an extended implant, one that will extend outward from the chin along the jawbone. These longer chin implants add depth to the jawline and can camouflage the appearance of early jowls.

Chin implants are implanted medical devices placed on the jawbone and chin. These implants are made from medical-grade silicone or other substances and feel similar to natural bone. Chin implants are placed through a small incision under the chin. Dr. Epstein is one of Chicago’s top facial plastic surgeons and places chin implants frequently.

Other Solutions to Consider

Chin implants can effectively treat jowls for many patients, but they aren’t the only option to explore. If you have loose skin and fat along the jawline, ask Dr. Epstein about these other treatment options for jowls.

  • Facelift – A facelift treats jowls by removing extra skin and fat from the lower face. This procedure is one of the most effective treatments for moderate to severe jowls.
  • Liposuction – Removing extra fat from under the chin, jawline, and neck can enhance the profile and fade the appearance of jowls. Liposuction works best on patients with tight, elastic skin.
  • Dermal Fillers – Dermal fillers can shape and sculpt the face, restoring youthful definition and fullness. If you’re looking for a less invasive treatment that reduces the appearance of jowls, fillers are worth asking about!
  • Kybella® – Remove fat under the chin with Kybella®. This injectable treatment eliminates fat cells under the chin and can reduce the appearance of jowls or a double chin.
  • Morpheus 8 – One of Dr. Epstein’s favorite options for less invasive facial tightening is Morpheus 8. This powerful treatment can tighten and refresh thinning skin to delay, prevent, or reverse jowls. Morpheus 8 uses radiofrequency energy to tighten loose skin without surgery.
  • FaceTite – Get the best of Morpheus 8 and facelift surgery. FaceTite combines two of our most popular facial rejuvenation treatments to vanquish jowls and tighten the lower face. This procedure is less invasive than a traditional facelift but very effective.

After an examination, Dr. Epstein can make treatment recommendations for your specific age-related concerns. With many treatment options available, MAE Plastic Surgery can help you find surgical and non-surgical solutions for your jowls.

Explore Treatments for Jowls with Dr. Epstein

Are jowls one of your biggest facial concerns? Explore your options at a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Epstein. To schedule your consultation, call MAE Plastic Surgery located in Northbrook, IL at (847) 205-1680.