MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Facial Implants or Fillers: How Do I Decide?

Facial implants and fillers are two options for shaping and contouring the face. Whether you’re seeking a defined jawline, a more prominent chin, or hoping to restore youthful definition to the cheeks, fillers and implants are essential to creating those new contours and building facial balance.

Fillers or implants? Which option is best for you? As you make your decision, consider the following factors. Don’t forget; you can weigh these options with one of the best facial plastic surgeons in Chicago. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Michael Epstein for personalized advice and treatment recommendations.

Treatment Goals

Why are you considering plastic surgery? What do you hope to achieve? While fillers are implants both seek to change the shape of the face, they accomplish this goal in different ways. Sometimes one approach or the other will be best suited to your treatment goals.


Do you have time for downtime? Fillers are a non-surgical treatment, allowing patients to get treatment and get back to life. Facial implants are a surgical procedure and often require a few days of downtime to recover from surgery. Patients who can’t miss work may want to choose fillers to minimize downtime.

Length of Results

Dermal fillers offer temporary results and must be reinjected every few months to maintain results. Facial implants are permanent, providing shape and structure to the face until they are removed. If you’re looking for a permanent change in your facial appearance, choose a facial implant or plan on visiting our medical spa every few months for retreatment with fillers.

Number of Treatments

Are you looking for once and done, or are you willing to come in occasionally for touch-up treatments? Facial implants are placed under the chin and attached to facial bones, essentially becoming a permanent part of your facial structure. Fillers are injected into the skin but must be replaced as the body breaks them down.

How many treatments are you willing to have? Implants provide an enhancement to facial structure with significantly fewer treatments.


Some patients want or need to avoid general anesthesia. Dermal fillers do not require anesthesia for administration. They are injected at our office with a quick, outpatient procedure.


Surgery typically costs more than non-surgical treatment options, like dermal fillers.

Over time, facial implants may become less expensive than fillers. Since implants are permanent, you’ll only pay for the procedure once, while fillers require a consistent, regular investment.

To find out your expected costs for fillers or surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein.


If you’re looking for a solution that will last, facial implants are a long-lasting way to change your facial shape. Implants remain in place until they are removed and last much longer than facial fillers.

Are You Already Having Surgery?

If you’re already planning a facelift, rhinoplasty, or other facial surgery, Dr. Epstein may be able to place your facial implants at the same time.

Combining treatments saves patients recovery time because the body can heal from multiple procedures at the same time. If you’re already planning a facial surgery, you may be able to enjoy the long-lasting benefits of a facial implant without additional downtime.

Facial implants can also enhance the results of many surgical procedures. Rhinoplasty is an excellent example. Chin or jaw implants can enhance rhinoplasty results by creating facial balance.

Implants or Fillers? Ask Dr. Epstein at a Consultation

If you’re thinking about facial implants, fillers, or cosmetic surgery, it is time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein. Call our office at (847) 205-1680 or contact us online to get started today!

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