MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

The Best Procedures for Fall

Falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and pumpkin everything—there are many reasons to love fall. Let us add a new reason to your list this season; fall is one of the best times for plastic surgery. Cooler weather and less sun makes for an easier, more comfortable recovery. We are booking consultations for fall and winter treatments now. Call our offices to schedule your one-on-one visit with Dr. Epstein or Dr. Krochmal.

Facelift- Look 10 Years Younger this Fall

Turn back the clock on your appearance with a facelift. This procedure tightens facial muscles to strengthen the underlying support for your tissues and skin. We also remove excess skin from the face.

After a facelift, you’ll need to stay out of the sun while you heal—a task that’s much easier to accomplish during the fall and winter. Too much sun too soon on your facial incisions can darken scars. Hats and scarves are another reason we love facelifts in the fall. Many patients find it is easier to cover and hide incisions as they heal with winter layers.

Liposuction- Give Holiday Gain a Preventative Attack

Weight gain is a common problem during the holiday season. This year, fight back preventatively. Get liposuction now and get rid of your love handles and saddlebags before the holidays. When your body looks great, it is easier to stick to your diet goals. Get rid of unwanted fat this fall.

Bruising and swelling are common after liposuction and can take a few months to fade. Get liposuction this fall and your body will look amazing by summer.

Rhinoplasty- Improve the Function and Appearance of Your Nose

Facial procedures are an excellent pick for fall plastic surgery. More time indoors means less sun for your healing skin. It is easier to get a sunburn after plastic surgery and harder to notice as it occurs. Get rhinoplasty this fall and stay out of the sun for the best results. Our patients love that rhinoplasty can improve both form and function of the nose.

Breast Augmentation- A Better Summer Body Starts Now

If you were disappointed by your summer body this year, come into MAE Plastic Surgery now. Many of us start thinking about our summer bodies in May and June, but by then, it is too late to make lasting changes in time for bikini season. Breast augmentation is one of our most requested pre-summer surgeries. Get breast implants now and you’ll be fully healed and ready to show off your curves by next summer. Wearing a bikini never felt so good!

Breast implants offer immediate results, but take a few months to fully settle and soften. With fall breast surgery, your breasts will look soft and natural before next summer.

Tummy Tuck- A Tighter, Flatter Tummy This Fall

Tighten up your tummy after weight loss or pregnancy. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens the muscles for a tighter, flatter abdomen. Our patients love getting tummy tuck surgery in the fall. Cooler weather means a more comfortable recovery.

Our Favorite Minimally Invasive Options for Fall

Celebrate fall with a new look. Call us today and book your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery.


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