MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

BOTOX® vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery: How to Choose Your Treatment

When trying to achieve a youthful look, many people focus on reducing wrinkles around their forehead, cheeks, and mouth. But the delicate skin around your eyes is often the first place to show signs of aging.


With BOTOX® and eyelid surgery in Chicago, you can effectively resolve concerns like crow’s feet and puffy lower eyelids. Either of these options can help you achieve a refreshed look, but how do they compare at resolving concerns for your lower eyelids? To help you seek an answer, here is a quick guide to BOTOX® vs. lower eyelid surgery.

How Does BOTOX® Work?

BOTOX® is an injectable treatment made from a purified version of botulinum toxin. When injected in small amounts, this product blocks the nerve signals that cause facial muscles to contract, which prevents you from making the repetitive expressions that create wrinkles.


The results of BOTOX® include smoother skin and a more youthful appearance without surgery or a lengthy recovery time. Because it is quick, convenient, and effective, BOTOX® is one of the world’s most sought-after cosmetic treatments.

How Does Eyelid Surgery Work?

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a medical procedure that resolves the appearance of sagging eyelids, loose skin, excess fat, and wrinkles around the eye area. The surgery works by excising excess skin and fat from the lower eyelids, removing puffy undereye bags.


When performing lower eyelid surgery, Dr. Michael Epstein can deliver remarkable results that rejuvenate your eyes, making you look younger and more alert. This procedure can take years off your appearance.

BOTOX® vs. Lower Blepharoplasty

A side-by-side analysis of BOTOX® and lower eyelid surgery should include weighing the pros and cons of each procedure.


This minimally invasive, FDA-approved injectable offers benefits such as:

BOTOX® is the world’s most popular injectable, but the results aren’t permanent. To maintain your refreshed look, you’ll need touch-up injections every four to six months. While BOTOX® minimizes wrinkles, it cannot resolve the appearance of excess skin or undereye bags.



With lower eyelid surgery, you can reap rewards such as:


While no surgery can halt your natural aging process, a blepharoplasty can take years off your undereye area. It requires recovery time until the swelling, pain, and bruising subside. You can prolong your results by following a consistent skin care routine and avoiding sun exposure.

Which Solution Provides Better Results?

BOTOX® is a better option for people who do not have excess skin under their eyes and who are willing to come back for touch-up treatments every few months. Blepharoplasty is an excellent choice for people with excess skin and fat under their eyes who want long-lasting results without maintenance treatments.

To determine which procedure is the right fit for you, reach out to a qualified surgeon for a personalized consultation. In this one-on-one meeting, you’ll get advice on how to achieve your desired results.

Explore Your Lower Eyelid Treatment Options With Dr. Epstein

To learn more about BOTOX® vs. lower eyelid surgery, reach out to our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Epstein. Schedule your consultation online or call our office at (847) 205-1680.

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