MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Why Are My Eyelids Drooping?

Eyelid drooping is a common complaint, prevalent in both men and women.  Upper eyelid drooping is most likely caused by redundant skin and fat of the upper lids or from a heavy or sagging forehead and brows.  Drooping of an upper eyelid may also be caused by a functional problem,  called ptosis, where the elevator muscles are not working as well.  Ptosis of  eyelids can also create a tired appearance, even after a good night’s sleep. As eyelids hang lower, they may block a portion of the eye, compromising vision. So drooping eyelids may not just be a cosmetic concern. 

If you have drooping eyelids, you may be looking for answers and solutions. What causes eyelids to sag? How can you treat eyelid drooping when it occurs?

You’ve got questions about drooping eyelids, and MAE Plastic Surgery has answers. Keep reading to learn more about this common condition, or contact us to schedule a consultation for personalized advice. 

Droopy Eyelids? Blame Your Genes or the Aging Process

Genetics are a primary cause of eyelid drooping. If Grandma Jane had droopy eyelids, you might get them too. Many of our patients with eyelid ptosis, especially those with severe or early drooping, report a family history of the problem. 

While many patients have a genetic link to eyelid sagging, plain old aging can contribute to the problem too. As facial tissues relax and skin loosens, eyelid and brow tissues often start to sag. Aging can exasperate genetic predispositions to eyelid sagging, and with time, sagging may become significant. 

Other Causes of Eyelid Drooping

Some cosmetic treatments, although rare, BOTOX®, can contribute to droopy eyelids too. The key to smoothing your wrinkles without contributing to eyelid sagging is to choose a skilled injector. Placing BOTOX® injections incorrectly can create ptosis and sagging around the eyes. At MAE Plastic Surgery, all our injectors have extensive training in using BOTOX® and dermal fillers to create youthful-looking rejuvenation. 

Of course, there are other causes for drooping eyelids. Some medical conditions or injuries can cause sagging. If you’re experiencing eyelid ptosis, your doctor can help you pinpoint the cause and find effective treatment options. 

How Can I Treat Eyelid Drooping?

Surgery is often the recommended treatment for drooping eyelids. A procedure called blepharoplasty, or an eyelid lift, can tighten and lift the eyelids.  This procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids to treat eyelid drooping or on the lower eyelids to address bags under the eyes. When ptosis is the problem, a repair of the muscles that open the upper eyelid may be indicated and can be performed with a blepharoplasty if necessary.

Blepharoplasty tightens the eyelids and removes skin and fat to rejuvenate the eye area. This procedure can be paired with facelift or brow lift surgery when indicated.  Most patients achieve a dramatically rejuvenated eye appearance after the procedure with permanent, long-lasting results. 

Are There Any Non-Surgical Solutions to Eyelid Sagging?

Surgery is typically the most effective option for treating eyelid sagging, but some less invasive treatment options may help. 

Non-surgical options aren’t suitable for every patient. Dr. Epstein can help you decide if surgery is needed or if a non-surgical option can address your eyelid sagging. 

Learn More About Blepharoplasty at MAE Plastic Surgery

Do you have drooping eyelids that you would like to improve? Learn more about blepharoplasty and ptosis repair by contacting MAE Plastic Surgery. Call our office at (847) 205-1680 to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Epstein.

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