MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

What Causes Saggy Skin?

Saggy skin is a head to toe problem. As you age, the skin changes. Wrinkles become more apparent. Fat stores shift, leaving us with bulges in places we don’t want them while hollows develop elsewhere. The appearance of the skin also changes, becoming duller and drier instead of bright and lustrous. 

Aging is inevitable, but the skin changes that come with it don’t have to be. By combining good skincare with a few carefully selected aesthetic treatments, your skin can look bright and beautiful in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Age-Related Skin Changes- What Causes Them?

What causes sagging and other age-related skin changes? Collagen and elastin loss are the main contributors, but other things can speed up the process if we aren’t careful. The truth is, many factors are behind the aging process, including:

Some of these factors, like sunlight and cigarettes, can be controlled through lifestyle changes. Other factors, like hormones and genetics, aren’t as easily managed. Do what you can to make positive lifestyle changes for your skin and rely on MAE Plastic Surgery to recommend skin treatments for the skin changes you can’t control. 

What Can I Do About Saggy Skin?

You have options for saggy skin. Come meet with Dr. Epstein to explore the possibilities for rejuvenating your face. 

These are just a few of our most popular options for skin tightening, but we have many other treatments available. 

Call to schedule your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery in Chicago: (847) 205-1680.

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