MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Is it Time for a Mommy Makeover?

With summer right around the corner, Dr. Krochmal and I have noticed an increase in the number of women inquiring about the Mommy Makeover. Maybe it’s the thought of slipping into a bathing suit that has them taking a closer look at what a Mommy Makeover can do. Or perhaps they have simply become frustrated trying to get their “pre-baby” body back. Whatever the reason may be, a Mommy Makeover can certainly improve the areas of the body that are the most concern to women after pregnancy and childbirth.

So, what is a Mommy Makeover? The easiest way to describe it is any combination of cosmetic procedures that restores a woman’s before-pregnancy appearance, mainly focusing on the breasts and abdomen. At MAE Plastic Surgery, a typical Mommy Makeover might include a tummy tuck, a breast procedure such as an augmentation, lift or reduction, and perhaps some liposuction for additional body contouring. In most cases, the tummy tuck, breast surgery and liposuction can all be performed on one time.

Candidates for Mommy Makeovers are women who are done having children, as pregnancy and/or weight gain will certainly compromise the results.  It’s also important that they are in general good health, close to their ideal weight, and have a positive attitude and realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding a Mommy Makeover. As always, if you have further questions about this procedure or any other surgical procedures, please contact my office and we’ll be happy to answer them.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending on the number of surgeries involved, the procedure can take between 3 to 6 hours to complete. Mommy Makeover surgeries are usually performed in our fully accredited surgical facility Northbrook Plastic Surgery, located within our office suites.

What is the recovery like after Mommy Makeover surgery?

Recovery will depend on which procedure(s) you have. With most of the Mommy Makeover procedures, you’ll experience some swelling and bruising, and you will most likely be sore. Out of all of the Mommy Makeover procedures, the tummy tuck will most likely require the longest recovery, with certain restrictions for four to six weeks.

Will I be able to lift my kids after a Mommy Makeover?

Again, depending on the type of surgery you have, there will most likely be some lifting restrictions after the Mommy Makeover. If you have small children, Dr. Krochmal and I suggest that you have some help lined up to assist you during the recovery process; at least for the first week or two.

If I’m not at my pre-pregnancy weight, is it okay to move forward with a Mommy Makeover?

While it’s not important that you be precisely at your pre-pregnancy weight, it would be best to be as close to your ideal weight as possible before undergoing a Mommy Makeover in order to achieve optimal results.

Are my results permanent? What if I gain weight after the procedure?

Unfortunately the results are not permanent. Over time, the natural aging process will continue and some changes will occur.  However, if you gain weight (even 10 to 15 pounds), it will most certainly alter the results of your Mommy Makeover, so it’s best to keep the weight in check.

For women who are done having children and who have struggled to achieve their pre-pregnancy bodies through diet and exercise, the Mommy Makeover is a wonderful solution. Our patients have been very pleased with the results.

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