MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Tighten and Tone with a Tummy Tuck

Describe your tummy in just three words. What words would you choose? Flabby, saggy, and stretched out? Maybe deflated, wrinkly, and loose? We want you to think of flat, tight, and toned when you describe your middle. If you need a little help to make that a reality, come see us and learn more about the tummy tuck.

Are You Hiding Your Tummy?

If eating right and exercise were always enough for a flat tummy, you’d see a lot more bikinis on the beach every summer. Many of our patients have counted calories, lost weight, and hit the gym, but don’t see their desired results, especially in the abdominal area. You may be close to your ideal weight, but your stomach just won’t cooperate. If this sounds like you, you might need a tummy tuck to get your tummy back in shape.

Stop hiding underneath shapewear and choosing swimsuits that cover up your middle. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, removes stubborn fat and excess skin in the abdominal area. It also tightens up muscles that have been damaged from pregnancy and weight changes. Bring your tummy out of hiding again!

I’m Going the Gym- Why Do I Need a Tummy Tuck?

Diet and exercise are keys to a healthy, sexy body, but they aren’t always enough. Life happens and often complicates beauty and aesthetic goals. For example, many women gain weight during pregnancy. This is normal and important, but unfortunately, this weight can be difficult to shed, especially from the abdominal area.

Another common post-pregnancy complication is a condition known as diastasis recti. This occurs when the abdominal muscles, the two paired muscles that extend up the abdomen, separate. It doesn’t matter how many crunches you do, exercise alone won’t put the two muscles back together again. Diet and exercise also won’t shrink extra skin.

Do what you can to improve your body through diet and exercise and then let us handle the rest. Don’t think that going to the gym isn’t important. Those exercises you’re doing will strengthen your muscles for a better result after surgery. Regular exercise will also help you maintain your tummy tuck results. Exercise matters, but it isn’t always enough on its own. If you need help achieving your summer body goals, come see us and learn more about the tummy tuck.

Can a Tummy Tuck Give Me a Six-Pack?

A tummy tuck can tighten up your abdomen, giving you the appearance of a flatter, toned abdomen. Our patients love looking more youthful and athletic after tummy tuck surgery. Results are dramatic, but most patients won’t achieve a six-pack without additional work on their own. A six pack occurs when toned abdominal muscles are visible underneath the skin. This requires minimal abdominal fat, tight skin, and highly developed and toned abdominal muscles. If you want a six-pack, we’ll help you set the stage with a tummy tuck, but you’ll probably need to do a little work on your own to make it happen. Tummy tuck surgery or abdominal liposuction may help to uncover a six-pack that’s already there but hiding behind stubborn fat.

Summer Body Prep- What Treatments Do You Recommend?

Tightening up the abdomen with a tummy tuck is high on the list for popular pre-summer treatments. We also recommend the following procedures to get your body ready for summer:

Summer body prep is in full swing at MAE Plastic Surgery and the tummy tuck is one procedure that consistently tops the list. Tighten up your tummy and create killer curves with a tummy tuck. Call us today and schedule your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery with Dr. Krochmal.

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