MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

The Difference Between Lip Injections and Lip Fillers

Luscious lips don’t have to be a gift from Mother Nature. If your lips are falling flat from your expectations, turn to MAE Plastic Surgery for some lip-loving TLC. We offer various lip treatments to turn your pucker into perfection. Contact us to explore options for lip augmentation in Chicago.

Lip Fillers or Lip Injections: What’s the Difference?

At MAE Plastic Surgery, two of our most requested lip augmentation treatments are lip fillers and lip injections. Interestingly, these two treatments are identical. Cosmetic fillers can plump, contour, and enhance your lips, whether they are naturally thin or have lost definition during the aging process. The filler requires injections into the lips to provide shape and volume. Fillers and injections are two different ways of saying the same thing.

Lip fillers are an ideal way to take lip augmentation for a test drive. A hyaluronic acid filler can provide increased lip volume and enhanced shape with a quick, 10-minute procedure. No downtime is necessary after treatment, and patients can immediately return to work, exercise, and other daily activities. Even better, hyaluronic acid fillers are reversible, so if you are one of the rare patients who dislikes your results for any reason, we can inject a molecule called hyaluronidase to dissolve them.

Minimal downtime and natural-looking results make lip injections a favorite way to enhance the lips.

What About Lip Implants?

Lip fillers aren’t the only option for lip augmentation. Fillers are temporary, providing volume to the lips for about six months. Patients who want a longer-lasting solution may be interested in lip implants. Much like a breast implant, a lip implant is a medical device surgically placed into the lip. It remains in place until you choose to have it removed, providing long-lasting shape and volume to the lip area.

Lip implant placement requires small incisions inside or at the corners of the mouth. This incision placement minimizes scarring. Lip implants look and feel very natural once they are in place.

Are There Any Other Options for Lip Augmentation?

Yes, you may have additional choices for making your lips appear fuller, sexier, and more defined. Dr. Epstein is one of the top facial plastic surgeons in Chicago. His expertise in facial surgery allows him to offer many lip enhancement options that may be unavailable at other plastic surgery practices.

Various procedures can extend the visible portion of the pink upper lip or reduce the distance between the nose and the upper lip. Dr. Epstein can make specific recommendations about the best options for surgical lip augmentation.

Explore Lip Augmentation at MAE Plastic Surgery

Get the lips you’ve always wanted with lip augmentation at MAE Plastic Surgery. We offer an array of surgical and nonsurgical options available.

Which lip enhancement option is best for you? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein to learn more about lip injections, lip implants, and other options. We’ll make personalized recommendations and help you choose an effective and long-lasting solution to volumize and shape your lips.

Call MAE Plastic Surgery in Chicago at (847) 205-1680 to schedule a consultation or learn more.

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