MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Does Recovering from Rhinoplasty Surgery Hurt?


You’ve wanted to change the function and appearance of your nose for a lifetime, but have never taken the plunge. Is fear holding you back from your new nose? Many of our rhinoplasty patients worry about the recovery process. Keep reading for answers to some of your biggest rhinoplasty recovery questions. If you don’t see your question on the list, call and schedule your personalized consultation.

Is Rhinoplasty Recovery Painful?

We’re not going to lie, rhinoplasty recovery isn’t going to feel like a trip to Hawaii, but you may be surprised by the lack of pain. Many patients describe the pain as minimal. We provide pain medications to help you stay comfortable while you heal. Recovery typically progresses quickly. You’ll feel the worst in the days right after surgery, but should improve every day. If you stay on top of your pain medication and get plenty of rest, rhinoplasty recovery doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, a painful experience.

How Much Time Will I Need to Take Off from Work?

As you plan for your rhinoplasty recovery period, give yourself time. You have a lifetime to work, but only one opportunity to recover from your rhinoplasty. Take the time you need to rest and recover. You’ll be back to work very soon. Most patients are able to perform regular daily activities in just a few days and full activity in 3-4 weeks. Talk with us about your recovery and we’ll help you figure out how much time to plan off from work. Your estimate will vary depending on your job, the extent of your surgery, and if you want to return to work before your bruising and swelling have fully dissipated.

What Symptoms Can I Expect During the Recovery Process?

You’ll be able to return home shortly after rhinoplasty surgery to recover and heal in the comfort of your home. Bruising and swelling are very common and generally subside in the first few weeks. Bleeding from the nostrils may occur, especially in the first 24 hours. Expect some congestion and stuffiness, often lasting for a few weeks. You may also experience numbness, tingling, temporary changes in taste and smell, and excess mucus in the throat.

An unexpected rhinoplasty symptom for many patients is a dry mouth. Since you’ll be breathing primarily out your mouth, you’ll experience intense dryness. Hydrate often and apply lip balm liberally to keep comfortable.

Don’t let fear of recovery keep you from the benefits of rhinoplasty. If you’re unhappy with the appearance or function of your nose, come see us. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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