MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Dull Skin Causes and Treatments

Winter is notorious for causing dull, dry skin. Think of it as a winter coat of sorts, extra layers of oil and damaged skin that cover up your bright and beautiful natural glow.  No one wants to be dull. Shed your skin’s winter covering and brighten up your skin this season. 

For personalized skincare help and advice, call MAE Plastic Surgery at 847-205-1680.

The Causes of Dull Skin

Why does my skin look so dull? We get asked this question often and there isn’t always a simple answer. Dull skin has many causes, some easy to treat and some more difficult. The good news is, at MAE Plastic Surgery, we have many skincare experts available to help you find solutions to your skin concerns. The future for your skin is bright, with no dullness here. 

Common causes of dull skin include:

Treating Dull Skin: What Are My Options?

Simple changes the ones mentioned above can fight back against common causes of dull skin, but occasionally, you’ll need a deeper treatment. We offer a variety of in-office options to dramatically smooth and brighten your skin. 

Brighten up your skin at MAE Plastic Surgery. Call 847-205-1680 to schedule a consultation.

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