MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Can BOTOX® Affect Your Mental Health?

Aesthetic surgery and cosmetic procedures can and do change lives. We love seeing our patients undergo mental and emotional transformations at the same time as their physical appearance changes.

We know cosmetic treatments can boost mental health. Recent studies provide confirmation to the anecdotal evidence we see here at MAE Plastic Surgery. Researchers compiled data from FDA databases to analyze the effect of BOTOX®® on mental health concerns like depression and anxiety. View the studies here and here or keep reading to learn more about BOTOX®’s impact on mental health.

What Is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is the brand name for most of the most popular botulinum toxin treatments available. Dysport is also a botulinum toxin treatment that works similarly to BOTOX®.

BOTOX® has many different applications as a medical treatment. Here at MAE Plastic Surgery, we use BOTOX® to treat facial wrinkles. BOTOX® is also used to treat eyelid spasms, overactive bladder, migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and other health concerns.

BOTOX® works by relaxing muscles by interfering with the communication between nerves, muscles, and the brain. The medication is administered by injection. Results are temporary with longevity depending on the treatment area. For cosmetic treatments, BOTOX® typically lasts 3-6 months.

What Impact Does BOTOX® Have on Mental Health?

BOTOX® potentially has many positive benefits on mental health. Patients receiving BOTOX® experienced:

Many of the currently used treatments for anxiety and depression come with significant side effects or are ineffective for a large portion of patients. Hopefully, BOTOX® can become another treatment option for patients experiencing these life-altering mental health concerns.

Why Does BOTOX® Have a Positive Impact on Mental Health?

More research is needed to fully understand the positive impact of BOTOX® treatment on mental health. Researchers have a few hypotheses for BOTOX®’s mental health-boosting benefits, including:

Before BOTOX® is used as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and administration. But for now, you can enjoy BOTOX® for cosmetic purposes and possibly get a mental health boost too.

Schedule Your Chicago BOTOX® Treatment Today

We can’t guarantee that BOTOX® will boost your mental health, but we do know that it can enhance your appearance. MAE Plastic Surgery offers BOTOX® and other injectable cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers at our office in Northbrook, IL. Schedule your treatment by contacting MAE Plastic Surgery. Call us at (847) 205-1680 to schedule your BOTOX® treatment with one of our skilled injectors.

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