MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Yes, We Offer Lumecca!

I invite you to discover a superior solution that improves skin complexion, reduces skin irregularities and helps my patients look years younger. It’s called Lumecca, and the results have been excellent.

Lumecca utilizes intense pulsed light (IPL) to precisely target and treat certain skin conditions such as age spots (red and brown pigmentations), sun damage, spider veins, rosacea and freckles. It works by using photo-thermolysis, which provides a photofacial throughout the process, and it can be used on both light and dark skin.

Lumecca treatments are comfortable with minimal discomfort, and produce faster results than other IPL treatments. Patients wear small goggles over their eyes, and the device delivers intense pulsed light to the area(s) being treated, stimulating collagen to improve both skin tone and texture.

Ideally, patients undergo a series of 2-3 treatments every 4 weeks. Other standard IPLs usually take between 4 and 6 treatments before patients see results. Lumecca can be used on all areas of the body, but is most commonly used on the face, the neck, décolletage, legs, hands and arms (as these are the areas more likely to be exposed to the sun).

After experiencing Lumecca, patients notice substantial improvements in their complexion and the clarity of their skin. Plus, there’s no downtime! The number of treatments you’ll need depends on your skin tone, the amount of damage to be repaired and the desired goal.

Following the treatment, your skin may become somewhat pink and a bit swollen, similar to a sunburn. Some patients say that their skin feels a bit sensitive. These side effects are normal and expected, and typically subside after 48 hours.

From what I’ve seen, and the satisfaction of my patients, I’d say that Lumecca is an excellent option if you want smoother, healthier, younger looking skin. If you have any questions about this highly advanced new option for removing age spots and correcting other skin imperfections, feel free to contact my office and I’ll be happy to answer them.

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