MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

What Aftercare Is Necessary for Breast Implant Surgery

For many women, recovery is the most daunting part of breast augmentation surgery. The good news is, with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to be, provided you follow the post-operative care recommended by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Epstein at MAE Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL.

Successful breast augmentation depends on the surgery itself and how you take care of yourself during the recovery process. Of course, being adequately prepared for your recovery before your surgery will make your recovery even smoother.

By following the tips outlined below, you’ll be ready to return to work and your daily activities in the shortest possible time after your procedure.

Plan and Prepare

Proper planning is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress to a minimum and give your body the rest it needs following your procedure. Doing this will make your recovery as swift and comfortable as possible.

Before the day of your surgery, get everything in order – such as getting your prescriptions filled in advance, so you won’t need to worry about visiting the pharmacy during your recovery.

Once you have scheduled time off work, cleared your social calendar, done your shopping, prepared some meals, and organized your home for maximum comfort, you’ll have nothing to worry about after your procedure. All you’ll need to do is rest and allow your body to recover.

Get Help

Recovery after breast augmentation surgery isn’t something you should attempt on your own. You’ll need help. It’s best to arrange for a trusted adult to help you during your recovery and to:

If you don’t have help available, we can help you arrange for in-home nursing care.

Sleep and Rest

Healing is hard work. Your body needs plenty of rest to build the energy it needs to quickly recover after breast augmentation surgery. Listen to your body, and rest as much as you need to, especially in the first few days after surgery.

To help you rest comfortably after surgery, make sure you have plenty of pillows available. These will help position you in bed, elevate your arms, and support you comfortably. We recommend having several types and styles of cushions available.

Nutrition and Hydration

Heading into your surgery, the more prepared your body is, the better it will heal.

Be sure to follow a balanced, nutritious diet for at least two weeks leading up to your surgery. Plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein, healthy unrefined carbs, and lean fats will help you recover more quickly.

Taking care of your meal preparation before your operation is a smart move. Eating healthy and keeping your energy up as you recover is as straightforward as popping a plate into the microwave.

Remember to hydrate throughout the day, preferably with water, avoiding drinks that are loaded with sugar.

Get the Most out of Your Breast Augmentation

As you can see, much of the aftercare for breast augmentation surgery occurs before the procedure itself. These suggestions are also applicable for other forms of cosmetic surgery where you will have some downtime to recover.

By preparing your body and home ahead of time, the aftercare will largely take care of itself in the form of rest and relaxation.

At MAE Plastic Surgery, our goal is maximum results with the least amount of downtime.

If you have any other queries about recovering from your breast augmentation or would like clarification on any of these tips, please reach out to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Epstein and his team by calling our Chicago office at (847) 205-1680 or contacting us online. MAE Plastic Surgery is conveniently located in Northbrook, IL, and serves patients throughout the Chicago area.

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