MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

The Magic of Lasers: What Are My Options?

Abracadabra and all your wrinkles are gone. If this sounds like a magic show you’d like to see, come on into MAE Plastic Surgery. We use a different magic word and wand around here, specifically lasers, but our results are so effective they feel like magic, even though they aren’t. Explore your options for laser rejuvenation below and then call our offices to book a consultation and get started. Smoother skin? Fewer wrinkles? Even pigmentation? Less cellulite? Let our lasers work their magic on you.

Body FX- Make Your Cellulite Disappear

Is cellulite keeping you from enjoying shorts and swimsuits during warmer weather? The Body FX laser therapy can help. This treatment reduces the unsightly appearance of cellulite through radio-frequency, deep tissue heat and suction coupled negative pressure. We recommend a series of 8 treatments to start, typically spaced a week apart. You’ll start seeing your results after the first few treatments and these results will continue to improve for weeks and months to come.

We love that Body FX is completely non-invasive and offers results with no downtime. It may not actually be magic, but when you start to see results, it will certainly feel like it. Enjoy short shorts all summer long!

Forma- Rejuvenate Your Face and Body Without a Magic Wand

Working deep within the skin, the Forma laser treatment helps to stimulate collagen growth and improve skin elasticity. Forma uses radio-frequency technology, one of our favorite options for skin rejuvenation. It works well on all skin types and all skin colors. You’ll notice smoother, tighter skin after treatment.

Forma isn’t just for the face. Using the Forma device on the body can tighten skin, improve skin tone, and enhance contours. Get your body bikini ready!

Lumecca- Say Goodbye to Sun Damage

Summer’s sun can be a lot of fun, but without the right protection, it can also be damaging to the skin. Fight back against sun damage from past summers with Lumecca. It is one of the most powerful IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments available. It can treat pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, age spots, sun damage, rosacea, freckles, spider veins, and so much more. If you have sun damage, ask us about IPL and watch your skin problems practically disappear, just like a rabbit in a hat. IPL isn’t a slight of hand; it really works. You’ll enjoy smoother, better skin after your treatment. Results are long-lasting.

DOT Therapy- Take Your Skin on a Journey Back in Time

We don’t have a time machine here at MAE Plastic Surgery, but with DOT therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis), you won’t need one. This powerful laser treatment can make you look years younger, without surgery. It can smooth out wrinkles, reverse the appearance of sun damage, improve skin texture, and tighten up skin laxity. You’ll look like you’ve turned back the clock.

You may have heard that laser skin rejuvenation requires a long, painful downtime, but this isn’t true of our DOT treatments. This therapy requires less downtime than many traditional laser treatments. It is an excellent rejuvenating option for patients with mild to moderate signs of aging. We especially recommend this treatment to patients with sun-damaged skin.

Fractora- Amplify Your Inner Beauty

You have beautiful skin, even if you don’t know it yet. The Fractora treatment penetrates deep within the skin, helping to restore a more youthful, radiant appearance. We’ll help you find your beautiful skin!

Fractora is effective for treating wrinkles, uneven complexion, and poor skin texture. Downtime is minimal and results are stunning. Let us help you bring your best skin out of hiding.

Laser Hair Removal- Magically Smooth Legs, No Razor Needed

If a summer without shaving sounds magical to you, come in and learn more about our laser hair removal options. Laser hair removal targets unwanted hair, destroying the roots and keeping hair from growing back.

Some regrowth is common, but any hair that comes back is generally lighter, thinner, and softer than your original hair. Touch-up treatments can keep unwanted hair at bay, if desired. Many of our patients find they no longer need to shave after laser hair removal.

Do you believe in magic? At MAE Plastic Surgery we believe in the aesthetic science and innovations that improve and beautify skin. The results you get may feel like magic, but unlike a magician’s trick, these results will last and last. Transform your skin with one or more of our laser treatments. Come in for a consultation to learn about your options and to discover the treatments that are best for you. Make your own magic!

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