MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Our InMode Tech: FaceTite


We delight in bringing our patients the best aesthetic treatments available. New options for aesthetic enhancement are constantly in development, and we are always on the lookout for new treatments to offer our patients. FaceTite, a minimally invasive facelift alternative, is one of the newest additions to MAE Plastic Surgery’s extensive offerings. This procedure shapes, tightens and sculpts without surgery or an extended downtime. We are excited to bring this new and innovative skin tightening treatment to our patients in Chicago, IL.

What Is FaceTite?

FaceTite is a minimally invasive contouring solution for the face and small areas of the body. It uses a technology known as RFAL, short for radio-frequency assisted lipolysis, to contract skin and coagulate fat. Shifting fat deposits and loosening skin are two of the biggest age-related aesthetic concerns in the facial area and RFAL addresses both.

The FaceTite treatment uses a specially designed cannula and electrode combination to concentrate energy in the treatment area. As we carefully move the device throughout the treatment area, the radio-frequency energy penetrates the skin and underlying tissues. This heat encourages the skin to contract. Fat is coagulated during the treatment for a tighter looking appearance.

Although a surgical facelift creates the most dramatic facial transformations, FaceTite comes close. It offers significant skin tightening, without noticeable scarring or extended downtime.

FaceTite vs. Facelift: How Do These Treatments Compare?

Like a facelift, FaceTite transforms the lower face, but these treatments are very different. Our skilled surgeons can help you choose the best option.

What Can FaceTite Treat?

FaceTite is designed to treat small areas on the face and body. In our practice, we love using it to tighten up loose skin under the chin. FaceTite is very effective for treating double chins, jowls, and lower face sagging. It can also be used to tighten the arms and other small areas on the body. Forma, radiofrequency, or Body FX, laser, are also offered at MAE Plastic Surgery and can be effective in shaping and tightening options for larger treatment areas.

Safety Matters: Is FaceTite Safe?

We love our patients, so of course, their safety matters to us. Our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Epstein and Dr. Krochmal, carefully evaluate new treatment options, ensuring they meet our stringent safety requirements before we ever consider offering them at our practice.

The SafeTite device also has safety protections built-in. Throughout treatment, real-time measurements of skin and fat temperature are taken, ensuring that the skin is heated to optimal levels, but never too hot. Impedance monitoring, power cut-off, and audible feedback are also used to ensure a safer treatment experience.

If you’re not ready for a surgical facelift, ask us about our less invasive option, FaceTite. Using radio-frequency and lipolysis, FaceTite transforms the face, especially those stubborn double chins. Call us to learn more about your options for face and body rejuvenation in Chicago:  847-205-1680.


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