MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, or Both?

Do you have tummy troubles? For many of us, the midsection is one of the biggest problem areas. You may struggle with excess abdominal fat, stretched out skin after pregnancy or weight loss, or loose abdominal muscles. If diet and exercise aren’t enough for your tight, flat tummy, come see us to explore a few surgical options. Liposuction, a tummy tuck, or both could help you to banish your tummy troubles and discover a tight, sexy middle. Call today!

Liposuction- Excess Fat No More!

The abdominal area is a common site of unwanted, stubborn fat. This fat can be extremely difficult to lose through diet and exercise alone. If you’re close to your ideal weight, but still struggling with unwanted abdominal fat, ask us about liposuction. It’s not a weight loss treatment, but rather a powerful body contouring procedure that can shape, sculpt, and refine your middle.

During liposuction small incisions are made near the treatment area. A cannula is inserted and fat is removed. We offer both traditional and tumescent liposuction, depending on your needs. We can use liposuction to shape and sculpt the body, helping you to obtain your ideal figure. A smaller, slimmer tummy is in your future!

Tummy Tuck- Tighten Up Your Tummy

Unwanted fat isn’t the only abdominal problem patients face. Many struggle with loose, stretched out skin after pregnancy or weight loss. You may also have stretched out or separated abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck can tighten up your tummy again. This procedure is ideal for patients that want to restore a flat, tight appearance to their abdomen.

During a tummy tuck an incision is made to allow for skin removal.  The length of the incision is dependent on the amount of skin removed (if a small amount of skin will be removed, then you can have the “mini” that’s like a C Section scar, but if more skin needs to be removed, the incision could be from hip to hip). This incision is low, under the bikini line so it won’t be easily seen. Excess skin and fat are removed. If needed, the abdominal muscles are tightened and strengthened. Get your flat tummy back!

Do I Need Both a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

If you have excess abdominal fat and loose, sagging skin, you may need a combination of both liposuction and a tummy tuck to achieve your ideal results. These procedures pair together beautifully, allowing us to shape and refine your middle with one surgery and one recovery period.

Tummy tuck, liposuction, or both? Come in for a consultation to discover your best options for a flat, tight, toned tummy. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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