MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

How Quickly Can You Return to Work After a Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a surgery to revise your breast size and make it more proportional with the rest of your figure. This procedure resolves any concerns you may have about your overly large breasts, as well as the pain and self-image issues associated with them.

When you are planning to get a breast reduction in Northbrook, IL, you may wonder how the post-surgical recovery period will affect your busy work schedule. To help you become a more informed patient, here is a brief guide to breast reduction recovery.

What Happens During Breast Reduction?

During this surgery, Dr. Epstein will eliminate excessive glandular tissue, fat, and skin from your breasts. There are several incision patterns to choose from, depending on your breasts’ appearance and size.

The sutures required to complete this procedure can take some time to heal. During recovery, you will likely experience other side effects, such as swelling, bruising, discomfort, and tenderness. But by carefully following your post-surgical instructions, you can manage these challenges until they disappear.



Returning to Work After Breast Reduction Surgery

Since everyone heals at different rates, your recovery experience will be unique to you. However, we recommend taking at least one to two weeks off work to rest and focus on healthy self-care activities. Get at least eight hours of restorative sleep per night, and take naps during the day if you feel fatigued.

If your recovery process goes smoothly and you don’t have a physically demanding job, you may feel well enough to return to work a week after your surgery. However, don’t rush it.

Breast Reduction Recovery: Top Tips to Follow

Following our tips for a healthy breast reduction recovery will help you avoid post-surgical complications, speed your body’s innate healing response, and enjoy having smaller, lighter breasts.

Chicago’s Leading Breast Reduction Surgeon

From learning when to return to work after breast reduction surgery to knowing what directions you need to follow during recovery, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Epstein to get answers to all your questions. Visit our Northbrook, IL, office to see how the MAE Plastic Surgery team can give your breasts an enhanced appearance that also alleviates your physical and mental discomfort.

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