MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Double Chin Dilemma: Your Guide to Kybella®

Is your selfie game on point? Or does that double chin get in the way of the perfect shot? If you struggle with excess fat under the chin, also called submental fullness, you’re certainly not alone. One survey found that 67% of respondents were bothered by the fat beneath their chin. Ditch that double chin with Kybella®, a non-surgical, injectable treatment for submental fullness. Call our offices today and ask about Kybella®.

How Does Kybella® Work?

Kybella® contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that aids in the breakdown of dietary fat. When injected under the chin, Kybella® destroys fat cells in the area. The body then processes and removes these damaged cells. With just a few treatments, Kybella® can dramatically improve your profile and eliminate unwanted fat under the chin.

What Happens During a Kybella® Treatment?

If you’re interested in Kybella®, give us a call to schedule your consultation. During your consultation, we’ll carefully examine the area and determine if Kybella® is the best treatment option for you. We’ll be able to give you a better idea of how many treatments will be needed and how many injections you’ll receive at this time. Most patients will need 2-3 treatments, but some may need up to 6. Visits are spaced about a month apart.

During your treatment, you’ll receive a series of injections under the chin. Most patients receive 12-20 injections each session. Treatment takes about 15 minutes.

What’s Recovery Like After Kybella®?

You can return to your daily activities as soon as you’re ready after Kybella®. Some patients require no downtime and many return to work the very next day. You may experience bruising, pain, swelling, numbness, and firmness in the treatment area. These symptoms typically resolve within 72 hours.

How Long Do Kybella® Results Last?

Kybella® destroys treated fat cells. Since fat cells do not regenerate in adulthood, retreatment is not expected once you achieve your ideal results. Get rid of that double chin for good!

If you have a double chin, get treatment with Kybella®. This non-surgical treatment provides an excellent alternative to liposuction with just a few quick injections. Is Kybella® right for you? Call our offices to schedule your consultation and learn more. Get rid of your double chin without surgery! Call today.

Dr. Michael Epstein and Dr. Daniel Krochmal are plastic surgeons at MAE Plastic Surgery in Northbrook, IL, which is a suburb in the North Shore of Chicago. While both doctors perform aesthetic plastic surgery on all areas of the body, Dr. Epstein specializes in facelift procedures and rhinoplasty (nose shaping), while Dr. Krochmal specializes in body contouring including tummy tucks, liposuction, and butt shaping (both implants and the Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer). Both doctors perform breast augmentation and breast reduction surgery. We are proud sponsors of Eric and Kathy’s Chips, Dip and a Mexico Trip on 101.9 The Mix, Chicago’s top morning radio show.

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