MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Do Plastic Surgery Procedures Include a Satisfaction Guarantee?

The quick answer to this question is “sort of”.

When you get to the root of the reasons as to why people choose to have plastic surgery, it stems from them being unhappy, or dissatisfied, with a particular body part or facial feature. It is my job, as the professional, to identify if there really is a problem that can be reasonably fixed with the art of plastic surgery. And, if there is, I have to then be able to assess the patient’s motivation for wanting the correction.

Does the patient have an exaggerated opinion of what really exists?  What is the patient’s overall emotional and mental status? Is there some underlying problem that is unrelated to the actual complaint? Will the patient be able to deal with complications or a result that they did not quite expect? If a less than desirable outcome really does occur, is it the fault of the surgeon? All of these queries are part of the pre-operative assessment when a patient comes in for a consultation. All of this is also what can muddy the waters when it comes to a “satisfaction guarantee.”

At My Aesthetic Experience (MAE PLASTIC SURGERY), we have a policy that before patients have any procedure, they are aware of how much the procedure will cost. They also understand that if they desire an additional procedure, or need an additional procedure to improve or correct the original procedure, they are made aware that they may be additionally charged.

Even with this written policy, our goal is to do everything we can to have a satisfied patient and to try our very best to ensure that they are happy with their end result.

Of course, all of this starts with the assessment that I mentioned previously and performing high quality work. What happens after that is in part up to the patient and truthfully, a little bit of luck.

So, can or should plastic surgery be guaranteed? I don’t think so. Do we at MAE Plastic Surgery and Transcend MedSpa guarantee plastic surgery or our nonsurgical procedures?  The answer is…sort of.  I expect that many of my colleagues practice similarly.

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