MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

22 Things To Do Before Any Plastic Surgery Operation

Have you committed to having plastic surgery in the near future? Plan ahead and follow our 22 step guideline on how to properly prepare for your procedure by following the recommended steps below.

•  Grocery Store List:  cough drops, hard candy, water, prune juice, Gatorade, Extra Strength Tylenol, Tylenol P.M., Benadryl, antibacterial soap (Dial), Ocean Saline nose mist, soup, crackers, favorite snacks, yogurt, facial wipes, Kleenex personal wipes, Vaseline, cotton swabs, Neosporin or Bacitracin, chap stick, baby toothbrush, hydrogen peroxide, 4X4 gauze pads, non-stick tape, natural stool softeners such as Konsyl or Metamucil.

•  Fill your prescriptions

•  Shop for recovery food and treats

•  Prepare some family meals ahead of time if needed.  This is a great time to order out!

•  Clean your house – or have it cleaned

•  Take out the trash, so you don’t have to worry about it during your recovery

•  Have all of your laundry taken care of

•  Pay bills before you have surgery

•  Wash your hair the night before surgery – it may be a while before your get to do that again

•  Be sure your car has plenty of gas in it and get it washed if needed

•  Purchase sports bra

•  Check your closet for clothes such as loose fitting tops and bottoms, including zip-up tops to wear after surgery

•  A special neck pillow is a good investment to have so you do not sleep on your face or roll to the side

•  Have toiletries laid out in the bathroom

•  Make sure to arrange care for your children.  Someone should be available to help them with their homework, give them rides, etc.

•  Make sure to arrange for your pets including getting them food, water, and someone to watch them if needed

•  Confirm that our office has received any information from other doctors if necessary, including mammograms, labs, EKG.

•  Set up the couch/bedroom so that you can recover comfortably as soon as you get home from surgery – make sure to have extra pillows

•  Have pain medication/antibiotics and water set out next to the bed or couch so you remember to take them after surgery

•  Have a bucket or a pail at your bedside and on the ride home, especially if you live far away, in case you get sick

•  Have some crackers, Cheeze-its or Goldfish to help alleviate nausea – especially on the way home – bring a bottle of water for the ride home.  Sipping cool water helps alleviate nausea as well as gets rid of the taste in your mouth if you do vomit.

•  Place anything you may need at hip level so that you have no need to reach or bend down.


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