MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

10 Skin Care Must-Do’s

A new year deserves new skin. Include some of these skin-healthy resolutions on your list this year.

1. Give Your Skin 10 Minutes a Day

Daily effort leads to significant results. Rather than give your skin a marathon session a few times a year, focus on small and simple daily efforts to keep your skin at its best all year round. In 2021, commit to giving your skin five to 10 minutes of effort each day.

2. Commit to Daily Sunscreen

If you want to slow the aging process, you’ve got to stop sun damage. The sun’s UV rays are a primary cause of premature aging. Slather on sunscreen every day and repel those rays to protect your skin. If you have damage already, ask us about laser treatment to help reverse those sunspots and wrinkles.

3. Check Your Skin

When was the last time a doctor gave your skin a once-over? Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the United States. Regular skin checks can spot changes to the skin early when they are most treatable. If it has been more than a year since your last check, get an appointment on your doctor’s schedule ASAP.

4. Give BOTOX® a Try

BOTOX® is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the U.S. Patients love this treatment for its ability to dramatically fade expression lines. If you haven’t tried BOTOX® yet, resolve to give it a try this year.

5. Exfoliate Regularly

Give your skin the fresh start it deserves. Exfoliation removes the dead, damaged skin cells from the skin’s surface to reveal fresh, new skin underneath. You can perform mild exfoliation at home, but make sure you come in a few times a year for a deeper exfoliating treatment like dermaplaning or a chemical peel.

6. Don’t Forget Your Body

Skin isn’t only on the face. Resolve to give the skin on the rest of your body attention too this year. Can we recommend a skin tightening treatment with SkinTite?

7. Hands Off

Touching your face leads to breakouts. This year, enact a strict hands-off policy. The skin-touching habit takes a little time to break, but your skin will thank you for the effort.

8. Upgrade Your Skin Care

Better skin care products can lead to drastically improved skin results. Ask us for some recommendations and upgrade your skin care routine this year.

9. Take Your Makeup off at Night

After a late night, it is tempting to slide into bed without taking off your makeup, but cleaning your skin is worth the effort. Removing makeup washes away oils that can lead to clogged pores, breakouts, and wrinkles. Fresh, clean skin is also better at absorbing anti-aging treatments like serums and moisturizers that will keep your skin healthy and bright.

10. Get Help for Your Skin

Most New Year’s resolutions taper off by mid-February. People get discouraged and stop making the effort. Set yourself up for a different trajectory this year by enlisting help to achieve your goals early in the year.

Our skin care experts at MAE Plastic Surgery can help you turn your resolution for better skin into reality by recommending treatments and finding solutions to your most troublesome skin concerns. Give us a call and make an appointment for help with all your skin care needs in 2021: (847) 205-1680.

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