MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Will Rhinoplasty Affect My Sense of Smell?


Stop and smell the roses! Many of our patients worry that rhinoplasty will impact their ability to smell. The good news is, although some changes to smell are common, most patients regain their full sense of smell in about 4-6 weeks. With rhinoplasty you can smell the roses (or the cookies or the pizza or the sea breeze, whatever you love) and love the look and function of your nose.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the structure, function, and/or appearance of the nose. Changes can be small and subtle or dramatic, depending on the needs and desires of the patient. We offer both open and closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty allows for the best results and most significant change, but requires a small incision on the columella (tissue that separates the nostrils). Closed rhinoplasty requires no external incisions, but results are limited by a lack of access to the internal nasal structures.

Rhinoplasty and Smell- What Can I Expect After Surgery?

After your rhinoplasty your nose will be rather swollen. Many patients feel like their nose is clogged or plugged, similar to how you feel when you have a bad cold. Since the nasal passages are closed, the nose isn’t able to smell. Many patients also report a diminished sense of taste during the first few weeks after surgery.

Although you will experience a loss of smell right after your rhinoplasty, it is important to remember that this loss is only temporary. Most patients notice improvement after 3-6 weeks. Permanent change in the sense of smell is very rare. Any smell loss is usually temporary and resolves within a few weeks.

Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, come see Dr. Epstein. One of the best ways to determine if you’re a good candidate is to meet with Dr. Epstein and discuss your specific situation. He specializes in both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty. He strives to improve both the appearance and function of the nose for all of his patients.

You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you’re unhappy with either the shape or function of your nose. Some signs of a nasal obstruction include: nasal congestion, mouth breathing, dry mouth, nosebleeds, sinus infections, headaches, or bad breath.

Call and schedule your rhinoplasty consultation today.

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