MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Tip Rhinoplasty vs. Full Rhinoplasty

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nasal tip, rhinoplasty may be right for you. Learn more about your tip reshaping options below or call us to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Epstein at MAE Plastic Surgery.

The Nasal Tip- One of the Most Difficult Areas to Reshape

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure, requiring extensive surgical skill, and one of the most difficult aspects of rhinoplasty is shaping the nasal tip. The tip is mostly cartilage and requires careful shaping for a natural look. The nasal tip can be difficult to shape, but if you choose a skilled plastic surgeon, like Dr. Epstein, you can achieve stunning, natural looking results by changing the nasal tip. A few small changes to the tip can have a large impact on your appearance.

The tip can be shaped on its own during a tip rhinoplasty procedure. It can also be shaped as part of a full rhinoplasty. Tip reshaping can be performed through open or closed techniques.

Common Nasal Tip Complaints

Most patients that are unhappy with the appearance of their nose have a complaint about their nasal tip. We see patients with many tip complaints, but some of the most common include:

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nasal tip, come see us. Rhinoplasty is a likely solution.

Tip Rhinoplasty vs. Full Rhinoplasty- What’s the Difference?

As the name implies, tip rhinoplasty focuses only on the nasal tip, while a full rhinoplasty can refine both the tip and other parts of the nose. Often a full rhinoplasty is needed and as there may be structural and other issues that need to be addressed, not just a cosmetic tip issue. Tip reshaping is most commonly seen on patients that have had a previous rhinoplasty, but are unhappy with their results, especially in the tip.  Some first-time rhinoplasty patients may be able to see benefit from a tip reshaping alone.

Full Rhinoplasty or Tip Rhinoplasty- Which Option Do I Need?

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, come see us. We can help you explore your rhinoplasty options. Tip reshaping or full rhinoplasty, we’ll help you achieve your best look. Call today!

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