MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Stubborn Belly Fat? Here’s What to Expect from a Tummy Tuck

tummy-tuckDo you have a belly bulge? The tummy is one of those areas that is prone to stubborn fat. If you gain some weight, you might find it difficult, or even impossible, to lose. If crunches aren’t enough to restore a tight, flat tummy, you may need a tummy tuck. Ask us if this procedure is right for you.

If you’re thinking about a tummy tuck, you may have questions. Learn what to expect from your tummy tuck by reading more below or call us and schedule your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery. A flatter, tighter tummy awaits!

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Do you dream of a flat tummy, but find it unachievable on your own? A tummy tuck could be the solution. This procedure removes excess skin and fat, tightens the abdominal muscles, and restores a flat, youthful appearance to the abdomen. It is often combined with liposuction to shape and sculpt the treatment area. A tummy tuck is a popular addition to a mommy makeover and a patient favorite after weight loss.

I’m Overweight… Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure, not a weight loss surgery. We recommend that patients be close to their ideal weight before surgery. Lose the weight and then come in for a tummy tuck to perfect your shape. A tummy tuck is an excellent way to reward yourself for a job well done after weight loss.

I’m Planning a Pregnancy in a Few Years… Should I Wait for My Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck provides lasting improvement to the appearance of the abdomen, but this improvement can be reversed by weight fluctuations or a subsequent pregnancy. It is best to wait for your tummy tuck until you’ve finished having children and are at a stable weight.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

During a tummy tuck a low incision is made below the bikini line extending from hip to hip. A second incision is made around the belly button. The abdominal wall muscles are tightened with sutures, excess skin is removed, and liposuction is performed. During liposuction a cannula, or tube, is used to gently remove excess fatty tissue using suction. The belly button is repositioned, if needed, and the incisions are stitched closed using dissolvable sutures.

What’s Recovery like after a Tummy Tuck?

You’ll spend the first night after your tummy tuck with us. We’ll provide one-on-one nursing care to help ensure you start your recovery comfortably and safely. When you do head home the next day, you’ll need someone to drive you and help care for you in the days after surgery. Bruising, swelling, and tightness are common. We use Exparel and pain medications to ease any discomfort you may experience. You can return to light activity one day after surgery and to work 1-2 weeks after surgery. Wait 4-6 weeks before resuming strenuous exercise.

Love your tummy again with a tummy tuck. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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