MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

What Happens During a Rhinoplasty Consultation and How Long Does It Take?

Rhinoplasty can transform your nose, improving your ability to breathe and enhancing your look. If you’re interested in rhinoplasty, the first step is a consultation. Learn more about what to expect during your consultation and then contact us to schedule yours. Stop dreaming of a new nose and take action to make it happen.

Careful Examination

The key to a successful rhinoplasty is working with what you’ve got. We aren’t creating a new nose from scratch, but modifying your existing nose. During your consultation, we’ll perform a careful examination of your nose. Dr. Epstein will examine the structure of your nose and look for breathing and functional abnormalities. This examination will give us a better idea of what we’re working with so we can discuss your options. Our goal isn’t a one-size-fits-all nose. We’ll customize your treatment to your specific needs.

Review of Medical History

Safety is a priority of ours at MAE Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history to ensure that you’re a good candidate for surgery. Bring a list of medications and supplements you’re taking and any relevant medical records. Pre-existing health conditions don’t mean that rhinoplasty isn’t possible if we can do it safely.

Visualize Your Results

What will you look like after rhinoplasty? We want every patient to love their results and use computer imaging as a tool to make that happen. During your consultation, we’ll give you a preview of potential rhinoplasty results. This will allow you to communicate your goals with Dr. Epstein and ensures that both you and your surgeon have the same end result in mind. See your new nose!

Learn About Cost and Financing

Rhinoplasty costs can vary, depending on the complexity of your procedure. We’ll discuss cost, payment options, and financing during your consultation.

Ask Questions

Most patients have a few questions during their consultation. We welcome and encourage you to ask any questions you may have. If you have any questions as you prepare for your consultation, write them down and bring the list with you when you come in.

How Long Is a Rhinoplasty Consultation?

Plan on spending a few hours with us on the day of your rhinoplasty consultation. There is a lot of information to discuss and we don’t want you to feel rushed. You may be finished sooner, but give yourself plenty of time to ensure that you can focus on learning about rhinoplasty, without worrying about the next things on your to-do list.

Is Rhinoplasty Right for You?

During your rhinoplasty consultation, you’ll get the information you need to determine if rhinoplasty is right for you. If you’re thinking about rhinoplasty, call us and take that next step. Call and schedule your consultation today.

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