MAE Plastic Surgery – Chicago, IL

Common Medical Conditions That Can Be Improved with a Rhinoplasty


When you hear the word “rhinoplasty” you probably think of cosmetic rhinoplasty, a type of nasal surgery that changes the nose’s appearance. Although many rhinoplasties are cosmetic, aesthetic changes aren’t the only reason to consider this procedure. Rhinoplasty is an excellent treatment option for many medical conditions. It can help you look your best, breathe easier, and feel better. Is rhinoplasty right for you? Call and schedule your consultation with Dr. Epstein today.

Deviated Septum

The septum is the strip of tissue that separates the two nostrils. Ideally the septum divides the nose in half, creating two equally-sized nostrils. A deviated septum occurs when the septum is off center, bent, or otherwise deformed and fails to divide the nostrils evenly. Many people have a small degree of deviation. In extreme cases this can lead to many breathing problems. By adjusting the position of the septum we can correct the deviation and improve airway function. Many of the medical conditions below are a result of a deviated septum.

Nasal Infections

Chronic sinus infections are often caused by a breathing obstruction like a deviated septum. Mucus may become blocked in the nose, leading to infection. These frequent nasal infections can be extremely uncomfortable and often contribute to other breathing difficulties.


When you can’t breathe, you may feel tired and fatigued. Some patients find rhinoplasty alleviates nighttime breathing difficulties (including snoring and sleep apnea), allowing them to sleep better and awake feeling more refreshed.

Sleep Apnea

Airway obstructions and abnormalities can contribute to sleep apnea, a dangerous medical condition that occurs when breathing temporarily stops during sleep. Rhinoplasty isn’t the right option for every patient with sleep apnea. Discuss your treatment options with your doctor and ask if rhinoplasty could help.

Nose Bleeds

Frequent nosebleeds are a sign of a potential airway obstruction. A deviated septum often causes nosebleeds. Many rhinoplasty patients find relief from chronic nosebleeds after surgery.

Bad Breath

Nasal obstructions often increase mouth breathing. This can contribute to a dry mouth and bad breath. If your bad breath is caused by mouth breathing due to a nasal obstruction, rhinoplasty may alleviate the problem and help your mouth to feel fresher.

Rhinoplasty isn’t just for cosmetic changes. If you have any of the medical conditions on this list, see if rhinoplasty is right for you. During your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery we’ll carefully examine your nose to determine if rhinoplasty could alleviate your medical conditions. Call today and schedule yours.

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