Liposuction Recovery- 5 Things You Need to Know


Double chin? Muffin top? If hitting the gym and eating right aren’t giving you the sexy curves you want, come see us. Liposuction can remove your unwanted fat and transform your body. Stubborn fat can be extremely difficult to lose without a little help. Liposuction gives you the help you need for your ideal body.

Are you excited about your liposuction treatment, but worried about the recovery process? This guide will help you prepare for your recovery. A better body awaits!

You’ll Feel a Bit Sore at First

You’ll be able to return home shortly after liposuction. Swelling, soreness, bruising, discomfort, and numbness are all common. Pain medication can help you to feel comfortable as you rest and recover. These sensations will subside, often in just a few days.

You’ll Be Able to Return to Light Activity Quickly

Depending on the area treated and the amount of fat removed, you should be able to return to light activity in just a few days. Many patients resume light activity after just 2-5 days. Wait 4-6 weeks before resuming strenuous activities like exercise or heavy lifting.

You’ll Need Some Time Off from Work

Most patients do need some time off from work after liposuction. Many patients plan for about a week off from work, although you may be able to return sooner, depending on your job. Some patients schedule their procedure for the end of the week and use the weekend to jumpstart their recovery, minimizing the amount of time needed off from work. Some patients are back to work just a few days after surgery.

Wear Your Compression Garments as Directed

Wearing compression garments after liposuction is essential for your best results. Gentle compression helps the skin to conform to its new contours. Most patients need to wear compression garments for 2-4 weeks after surgery.

It Can Take Several Months Before You See the Final Results

Residual swelling can remain for several months after liposuction. You’ll start to see results right after surgery, but your full results may be months away. As the swelling fades you’ll continue to see improvement in the treated areas. Maintaining your weight can help your results to last indefinitely. Liposuction now means that your body will be fully healed and swelling will be fully resolved by next summer.

Are you ready for liposuction? Take the next step by scheduling your consultation at MAE Plastic Surgery.